Managing Energy Price Risk
- Natural Gas
- Diesel Fuel (Heating Oil)
- Unleaded Gasoline
- Electricity
Energy Markets Are Notoriously Volatile much more so than other commodities traded. Even minor changes in world events can cause large and sudden fluctuations in the price of fuel. We understand the issues associated with energy pricing and the impact this has on your business.
Maverick Energy Consulting has 50 plus years of price risk management expertise. Maverick Energy’s approach to reducing price risk is to use management principles and techniques that control the price volatility on the energy your business consumes. Managing price risk increases the predictability of your future energy budget.
Maverick’s program is structured for businesses that cannot afford the luxury of their own risk management/hedging staff. Creating your own risk management operation is complex and expensive. Maverick Energy Consulting has the ability to equip your business with the knowledge it needs in order to formulate a long-term energy price risk management program.
The Maverick Energy Solution Includes:
- A review of your purchasing volume, practices and history
- Request for proposal creation & evaluation for choosing a supplier
- A fully managed purchasing program
- Commodity Market Reviews & Evaluations
- Comprehensive Reports